Year: 2017

English, Groundhopping / en

[En] 2nd Bundesliga: 1. FC Union Berlin – 1. FC Kaiserslautern

When I travelled to Berlin four years ago, I saw some people wearing Union shirts at Warschauer Straße station. I wondered if there was a game in Berlin. At that time, I didn’t know much about anything outside Bundesliga. I remember I checked the fixtures and knew that there wasn’t a (Bundesliga) game in Berlin. But I followed them to board a S-Bahn anyway without knowing where they were heading to.

Groundhopping / 中文, 中文

德國東北高級聯賽:BSC Chemie Leipzig – FC Carl Zeiss Jena II

亞洲之旅還未完結時,我地係香港突然決定復活節要去柏林,而萊比錫正在去柏林既路上,咁岩發現呢個比賽週好難得地兩隊萊比錫既球會都有主場賽事,所以萊比錫變成我地今次 Roadtrip 既必到之地!

萊比錫有兩大球隊,一隊係 1. FC Lokomotive Leipzig,球迷普通都稱呼佢地為 Lok Leipzig,中文為火車頭萊比錫;另一隊就係 BSG Chemie Leipzig,呢隊波既中文譯名我都唔太清楚,但直譯既話就係化學萊比錫(Google 見到又有稱車米萊比錫)。