亞洲之旅還未完結時,我地係香港突然決定復活節要去柏林,而萊比錫正在去柏林既路上,咁岩發現呢個比賽週好難得地兩隊萊比錫既球會都有主場賽事,所以萊比錫變成我地今次 Roadtrip 既必到之地!
萊比錫有兩大球隊,一隊係 1. FC Lokomotive Leipzig,球迷普通都稱呼佢地為 Lok Leipzig,中文為火車頭萊比錫;另一隊就係 BSG Chemie Leipzig,呢隊波既中文譯名我都唔太清楚,但直譯既話就係化學萊比錫(Google 見到又有稱車米萊比錫)。
亞洲之旅還未完結時,我地係香港突然決定復活節要去柏林,而萊比錫正在去柏林既路上,咁岩發現呢個比賽週好難得地兩隊萊比錫既球會都有主場賽事,所以萊比錫變成我地今次 Roadtrip 既必到之地!
萊比錫有兩大球隊,一隊係 1. FC Lokomotive Leipzig,球迷普通都稱呼佢地為 Lok Leipzig,中文為火車頭萊比錫;另一隊就係 BSG Chemie Leipzig,呢隊波既中文譯名我都唔太清楚,但直譯既話就係化學萊比錫(Google 見到又有稱車米萊比錫)。
A small trip was already waiting for us after we were back from Asia in early April as we decided to travel to Berlin over the Easter weekend with a stopover in Leipzig for three nights. The reason we chose to stop in Leipzig was obvious – football.
去完旅行發現原來今季得返幾場波就完結,睇下睇下原來已經第三十二週,即係今季常規賽事得返六場波!返到黎第一場聯賽我地跟 Elversberg 到 Worms 作客,一個係 Mannheim 附近既小城市,車程大約兩個鐘。
So, we went away for a short time and now the season is going to be over soon. It felt funny to know that it was already the 32nd match day.
Da bist du einmal kurz weg und schon ist fast die Saison vorbei… Irgendwie ein komisches Gefühl, wenn plötzlich schon der 32. Spieltag ansteht und du dir nur denkst: War nicht gestern erst Januar?
返到德國既第二日都未回魂,我地又走左去睇波啦。Elversberg 係莎蘭盃既準決賽既對手係第五級別聯賽既 Diefflen,同上年既準決賽戲碼一模一樣!
A day after we arrived back in Germany, we had to get ourselves prepared for the Saarlandpokal semi-final before we could get rid of jet-lag. This time Elversberg were going to play against Diefflen from the Oberliga (5th league), who they met too in last year’s semi-final.
Während man montags noch gemütlich in Beijing frühstückte, folgte dienstags der harte Aufschlag auf den Boden des Alltags. Denn mit dem Halbfinale des Saarlandpokals stand direkt das erste Spiel von Elversberg an.
Towards the end of our Asia trip, we decided to stopover in Beijing for three days. Luckily, the Chinese Super League had also just started and Beijing Guoan would be playing at home during the weekend.